
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bad Translator

I was fiddling around with google translate, translating sentences from one language to English, then back to another language, then back to English, etc, so, I translated this random sentence, and here are my two favourite results:

Normally, a gallon of milk and money, children, the best way to make money is a target for the whole family.

The aim is usually to keep the whole family dairy room. Time and money, children, the most effective way to save.

It started as:

Your opportunity for a cheap pair of Harry Potter glasses is most likely found at your local thrift store. In case you are pressed for time or want to simply save some cash for a child's costume, here is the free solution.

to try, go to

Friday, March 11, 2011

Banksy, and his film

Banksy is a completely anonymous London street/graffiti artist known for his distinct stencil style. When I say completely anonymous, I mean it. When he's doing his art he wears a mask, and when he's doing interviews his face is in a shadow and his voice is filtered. He has a movie that just came out called Exit Through the Gift Shop. It is mostly about Banksy, but other major street artists are included. The ending of the film is suspected to be a hoax as Thierry Guetta's aka Mr. Brainwashes (The filmers) biography has a few holes, as with some other things about him. It is suspected that Mr Brainwash is a character simply made up by Banksy himself. Banksy's highest selling piece of art sold for, 500,000 dollars. Wow.

Now what we're all wondering, is banksy an intergalactic robot?

Leave your responce in the comment section below OR ELSE

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The New Dora

Dora has matured a bit. She has gotten a bit older. Just a bit.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Another Harry Potter?

If you don't know already, I am a huge fan of harry potter. I have my wands, and my brooms, and all my books, and that stuff. So naturally, I watched J. K. Rowling's interview with Oprah. I guess I missed it on T.V, so I was streaming it off the internet. About 6 minutes and 25 seconds into the interview, she says she could write an 8th 9th, and 1oth book, and... Unfortunately it was that moment that my internet connection crashed, and I was left hanging, waiting to hear the end of her sentence. I still haven't heard it.

What will it be called?
Leave your comment below

EDIT I Still haven't heard it.